Learn about PDF Customer Invoices

Learn about PDF Customer Invoices

The information which you see on a PDF invoice picked from your invoice entries, organisation settings, financial settings, contact details and the branding theme being used. 

You can update the details on the above pages to change the values on the PDF. 

  • Title:  PDF title gets picked from the title setup in branding theme. In the branding theme, the user can set the title for every status 
  • Logo:  You can upload the logo on the branding theme which you want to show on the PDF. 
  • Customer Contact Details:  Contact details gets picked from the details entered in the contact information while creating a new contact or if you add it from the add address option on the invoice page. Customer vat number also comes on PDF if it had been entered in the contact information.  
  • Organisation Vat Number:  The vat number entered in the organisation financial settings comes on the PDF. if it’s not added then anything comes on the PDF. 
  • Date, Invoice number and Reference:  These fields show the values entered in the invoice. These fields are fixed hence the user will always see these on PDF.  
  • Organisation Address:  If you add an address to your organisation settings it comes on the PDF as an organisation address. 
  • Item Description, Qty, Price, Net, Vat and Total:  These values get picked from the invoice and shown on the PDF for every item/service added in the invoice. Net, Vat and Total are the fields which will come on every invoice PDF and can’t be customised. 
  • Due Date:  The Due date added in invoice comes on the PDF to remind the receiver for the last payment date. 
  • Amount paid: If there is any payment applied on the invoice then the amount paid section comes on PDF. 
  • Terms:  Terms for payment mentioned in the branding theme comes on the invoice. 
  • Conversion Rate:  As you can create an invoice in multi-currency in Clickentry, if you create an invoice in the non-base currency then conversion rate comes on the PDF 
  • Payment Advice:  By default, we show payment advice in the bottom of the invoice. 

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