Edit or Delete A Batch Deposit

Edit or Delete A Batch Deposit

Edit a Batch Deposit 

If you want to make any changes to a Batch deposit you can edit and update after making necessary changes. While editing you can’t add any more invoices into batch but you can delete anyone from previously added. If you want to add more invoices then the only option is to Delete the current Batch and create a new one. 

If any Batch deposit has been Reconciled then Editing it will update the batch deposit and will change the status to unreconciled. 

  1. In Account menu, select the Sales option. 
  1. Find and open the invoice for which you want to print the deposit summary. Using the Search option you can easily search the Invoice. 
  1. Click on the Payment link. 
  1. From Options dropdown click Edit. 
  1. Edit the details as required. If you want to Delete any row click on Red Cross icon in right. 
  1. Click Approve button. 

Delete a Batch Deposit 

Deleting a Batch Deposit will delete the payment applied to all invoices and Credit Notes. When you delete the batch deposit all Invoices and credit notes will come back to Awaiting payment status.  

  1. In Account menu, select the Sales option. 
  1. Find and open the invoice for which you want to print the deposit summary. Using the Search option you can easily search the Invoice. 
  1. Click on the Payment link. 
  1. From Options dropdown click Remove and Redo. 
  1. Confirm OK. 

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