Create A Batch Deposit

Create A Batch Deposit

You can create a Batch Deposit when you deposit cash or cheques in your bank account for multiple invoices. It is also helpful when a customer makes a single payment against multiple invoices. 

About Batch Deposits 

  • If multiple invoices are paid in a single payment transaction then it is recorded as a batch deposit. You can generate a batch deposit when you are making payments in cash or with a cheque for multiple invoices as one single deposit. If a customer has made a single online payment against multiple invoices then also a batch deposit can be created. 
  • There is no limit set to add invoices in a batch deposit. You can include any number of invoices in a single batch deposit. 
  • You can also take the print of a batch deposit summary as a record to keep track of the transactions made in the deposit.  
  • If a deposit is recorded on your bank statement then instead of searching for multiple invoices just need to reconcile it against one single transaction. If anyhow a payment gets failed (eg a check gets bounced) then you need to remove the invoice that was paid against it. By doing so, the batch deposit can be easily matched up against your bank statement. 
  • Clickentry allows you to create a batch deposit for invoices entered in your base currency and another currency also. But all invoices being participated in one batch must have the same currency. 

Create a Batch Deposit

To keep things easy and quick for our users, Clickentry provides multiple ways to create a batch deposit. Following are the different ways.


  1. In Batch Processing menu, select the Batch Payment option Or In the Account menu, select the Sales option then click Batch Receipt button next to Add Quote button. 
  1. Either select all the invoices or the desired one to include in the batch deposit. 
  1. Click Batch Payment button. 
  1. Enter the required information into the batch deposit fields. 
  1. The Payment column has the full outstanding amount by default but you can adjust it if you have received a part-payments for your invoice. 
  1. Click Approve

From the Sales Page 

  1. In Account menu, select the Sales option. 
  1. Select either Awaiting Payment or Partially Paid tab. 
  1. Either select all the invoices or the desired one from the invoice list to include in the batch deposit. (Remember: Batch Payment applies on the same currency only) 
  1. Click on the Batch Receipt button on the top left side. 
  1. Enter the required information into the batch deposit fields.The Payment column has the full outstanding amount by default but you can adjust it if you have received a part-payments for your invoice. 
  1. Click Approve

Batch Deposit Fields Explained 

Field Description
Payment Date Here you set the date either on which your customers paid you or on which you deposit your batch of cheques. .
Bank Account Select the account from the drop-down menu in which you want to deposit your cheques or cash payment. This account can be a bank account or any other account on your chart of accounts with payments enabled.
Reference Reference field is optional. It lets you record any specific information in reference to the Payment.

Print a Batch Deposit Summary 

If you didn’t download the batch deposit summary at the time you created it then you can print it later. 

  1. In Account menu, select the Sales option. 
  1. Find and open the invoice for which you want to print the deposit summary. Using the Search option you can easily search the Invoice. 
  1. Click on the Payment link. 
  1. Click Export to PDF

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