Chart of Accounts in Clickentry

Chart of Accounts in Clickentry

  • Using the chart of accounts in Clickentry, you can record and classify your transactions, and generate reports. 
  • You can import your chart of accounts from your previous accounting system or from your own custom chart. 

How it Works 

  • When you set up your organization in Clickentry then it assigns a default chart of accounts and a list of your organization’s accounts. However, Clickentry also allows you to import a chart of accounts from another accounting system, or from your own custom chart. 
  • Clickentry allows you to add or edit an account in your Chart of Accounts. You can export or print your chart of accounts as well. 
  • Click on the balance of each account to view the individual transactions. 

Chart of Accounts and Reports 

  • Using the Account Code and Account Type, you can group similar accounts together. It determines how the accounts will be displayed on your financial reports. 
  • By customizing report layouts and using tracking, you can compare the different areas of your organization  
  • To view the Chart of Accounts, in the Settings menu, select Account Settings and then click on the Chart of Accounts.  

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