Add and Post Manual Journals

Add and Post Manual Journals

Add a Single Manual Journal 

You need to add a single manual journal, then either save it as a draft or post it directly into the general ledger.  

  1. In the Advisor menu, select Journal
  1. Click on the New Journal button. 
  1. Enter the required journal details in the relevant fields. 
  1. Click on either: 
    • Save as draft: To save the journal without posting it to the general ledger.  
    • Post: To post the journal to the general ledger. 

Post Multiple Manual Journals 

You can also post multiple draft journals to the general ledger at the same time. 

  1. In the Advisor menu, select Journal
  1. Select the Draft status tab. 
  1. Select the checkbox next to each journal you want to post. 
  1. Click on the Post button. 
  1. Click Ok to confirm. 

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