Email an Invoice

Email an Invoice

  1. Open the Invoice you wish to Email
  1. Clicking on the Email button will show you a popup send window. 
  1. Update the required information. 
  1. In the To field, add the email address of the recipient of the email. If you want to send the invoice to multiple recipients, add email addresses separated with a comma (,) or a semicolon (;) 
  1. From field uses the email address of the logged in user, which you cannot change. 
  1. The Subject field contains the predefined text, set up by the Clickentry Team. You can edit the subject as per your requirement. 
  • The Message field contains the predefined text with some brief information of the invoice. You can also edit this as per your need. If you don’t want to share the link of the online transaction with your customer then remove [Online Invoice Link] from the message. 
  • If you want to send a copy to yourself then Tick the Send me a copy.  
  • Mark as sent is ticked by default You can untick it if you don’t want to mark the invoice as being sent. If it is ticked then it shows on invoice. 
  1. Click Send.  

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