Create Repeating Invoice Template from Existing Invoice

Create Repeating Invoice Template from Existing Invoice

You can create a repeating invoice for a customer who makes regular purchase of the same item. You can create a repeating invoice from their last invoice. By doing this way,it will copy all existing details of the purchase. You can edit these details before saving the repeating template. 

  1. In the Account menu, select Sales (Accounts >> Sales)
  1. Select any of the tabs from the Awaiting ApprovalAwaiting PaymentPartially Paid or Paid Tab
  1. Open the invoice you wish to repeat. 
  1. Click on the Invoice Option drop-down button and Select Repeat option. 
  1. Click Ok
  1. Enter the required information in the repeating transaction fields.  
  1. Follow the procedure above mentioned in Add a Brand New Repeating Invoice Template 

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