Create A New Invoice

Create A New Invoice

To make things easy and quick for our users we have provided multiple ways to create the invoice. 

DIRECT (Accounts >> Sales) 

Clicking upon the rightmost drop down Button +New Invoice and then select New Invoice option. 

IMPORT (Accounts >> Sales) 

Click on the leftmost button Import and it will take you to the import page where you can download the Importable template. Fill the details for the invoice and import it. Click here to see more details for invoice template filling information. 

BATCH (Batch >> Batch Invoice) 

Batch invoice allows you to create multiple invoices from a single page. Add values in the rows for the invoices you going to create. Click here to see more details for Batch invoices. 

REPEATING (Accounts >> Sales) 

Clicking upon the rightmost dropdown Button +New Invoice and select New Repeating Invoice option. Use this approach when you are creating an invoice that will be repeated every week/month for a period. Click here to see more details for repeating invoice creation. 

  1. Top highlighted radio buttons Goods and Services lets you choose the appropriate template for your Business type. It is good practice to choose Goods for invoice involving goods and choose Services for invoice involving services. 
  1. To field is the name of the contact that you will be invoicing. When you start typing the name, it may show you some existing contacts. Thereon, either you can select the existing contact or it will create a new contact automatically upon successful invoice creation. 
  1. The date field is to choose the date you would like to create the invoice for. When you click on Date field it will show up a Calendar and you can choose from the Calendar popup or type with keys.
  1. The Due Date field is to set the latest date of the invoice payment. 
  1. An invoice number is a system-generated number that gets incremented automatically. 
  1. Reference field lets you mention any specific information to the Invoice. This field has a 50 character limit. 
  1. Add currency dropdown field, you can choose the currency for the invoice. Add currency dropdown shows all the currencies being used in the organization.  The Add Currency link button in dropdown lets you add a new currency in the organization. 
  1. Tax Type dropdown contains three options. Below are the options: 
    • Select the “Amounts are tax Inclusive” option if tax is included in the net amount. Which is equal to the gross amount of the Item. 
    • Select the “Amounts are tax exclusive” option if tax is not included in the net amount and will be charged separately.  
    • Select the “Amounts don’t include tax” option if the item or service is not taxable. 
  1. Item dropdown shows you all the items created earlier in the inventory section or from invoice add inventory link button given in item dropdown. Once you select any item it will auto-populate all the related fields for that row. If required, you can update the details for that particular invoice.
  1. In the Description field, you can add a brief description of the Good/item or the service. 
  1. In the Qty field, you can add the quantity of the Goods or the Number of Hours of Service.
  1. In the Unit Price field, you can add the Price per Item or the Price per Hour for the service. 
  1. In the Disc% field, you can define the discount percentage. 
  1. In Accounts dropdown you can choose the Nominal Code which belongs to the Item/Service. You can add a new Nominal Code from the Add Account button given in Dropdown.
  1. In Tax Rate, either you can select from the given tax rate options or you can add new custom tax from Add Tax Button given in Dropdown.
  1. Currency Amount field is not editable and it contains the Net Amount for the particular item/service that is equal to the ((Unit Price x Qty) – Discount calculated).
  1. SubTotal shows the Net amount for the whole invoice which is the sum of the NET amount of all items.
  1. Vat part in total section shows all vat applied on the invoice Grouped by Tax Rates.
  1. Discount shows the total discounted amount for the whole invoice. 
  1. Total shows the Gross amount for the invoice which is equal to (Total NET + Total VAT for the invoice). 

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