Purchase Orders for Suppliers

Email or Print Purchase Orders

You can email an approved purchase order to the supplier.  Email Purchase Orders  In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).   Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.   Select the status tab where the purchase order exists that you want to Email.  Find & open the purchase order you want to email to supplier.  Click on the Email button.   Update the required information...


Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed

When you receive your order and a bill from the supplier against the approved purchase order then the status of the purchase order is changed to billed.  Unmark a bill will change the status of a purchase order from Billed to Approved.  Mark a Purchase Order as Billed  In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).   Scroll...


Create Purchase Orders

You can create a purchase order to keep things smooth and organized for your organization's ordering and purchasing process.  Create and Save a Purchase Order  In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).   Click on the +Add Purchase Order button.  Fill the required information in the purchase order fields.  Click either:  Save as Draft: To save the Purchase Order as a draft. Approve: To...


Copy Purchase Orders

Clickentry has the provision to copy an approved or billed purchase orders to a new one. It saves the user's time.   How it Works  You can copy a purchase order to a Bill or Invoice but make sure the total line items don't exceed 100 Lines. To help you keep track of your purchases,...


Edit or Delete Purchase Orders

You can edit or delete the purchase orders that you have created in Clickentry. But you can not edit the billed purchase orders.  Edit a Purchase Order  In the Account menu, select Purchases (Accounts >> Purchases).   Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.   Select the status tab where the purchase order exists that you want to edit.  Find and open the Purchase...


Add Notes or Arrival Dates to Purchase Orders

Clickentry allows you to add notes to purchase orders to record the additional information about the purchase. Notes are recorded for the organization only. They are not shown on purchase orders you send.   In the Account menu, select Purchases (Accounts >> Purchases).   Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.   Select the status tab of your purchase order where you...


Submit and Approve Purchase Orders

This article will help you to understand the submission process for approval of purchase orders that are in draft or awaiting approval.  You can also submit saved multiple purchase orders for approval in bulk.   Submit a Single Purchase Order for Approval  In the Account menu, select Purchases (Accounts >> Purchases).   Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.   Select...