Edit or Delete Purchase Orders

Edit or Delete Purchase Orders

You can edit or delete the purchase orders that you have created in Clickentry. But you can not edit the billed purchase orders. 

Edit a Purchase Order 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases (Accounts >> Purchases).  
  1. Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.  
  1. Select the status tab where the purchase order exists that you want to edit. 
  1. Find and open the Purchase Order you want to edit. 
  1. Click on the Purchase Order Options button and select the Edit option. 
  1. Update the required information in the purchase order fields.  
  1. Click on the Update button. 

Delete Draft or Awaiting Approval Purchase Orders 

You can delete the purchase orders that are in Draft or Awaiting Approval tab.  

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases (Accounts >> Purchases).  
  1. Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.  
  1. Select the Draft or Awaiting Approval status tab. 
  1. You can delete the individual or from purchase orders list. 
    • From the list: Select the checkbox next to the purchase order you want to remove and click on the Delete button at the top left side.  
    • Delete the individual purchase draft:  
      1. Open the purchase order you want to delete. 
      2. Click on the Purchase Order Options button and select the Delete option. 
      3. Dsd 

Delete Approved or Billed Purchase Orders 

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