Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed

Mark or Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed

When you receive your order and a bill from the supplier against the approved purchase order then the status of the purchase order is changed to billed.  Unmark a bill will change the status of a purchase order from Billed to Approved. 

Mark a Purchase Order as Billed 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).  
  1. Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.  
  1. Select the Accepted status tab.  
  1. Find and open the purchase order that you want to mark as billed. 
  1. Click on the Purchase Order Options and select Copy to Bill option 
  1. Clicking on Ok will take you to the copied Bill. 
  1. Enter the required information in the bill fields(Due date). 
  1. Click on the Approve button. 

Unmark a Purchase Order as Billed 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).  
  1. Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.  
  1. Select the Accepted status tab. 
  1. Find and open the purchase order that you want to Unmark as Bill
  1. Click on the Purchase Order Options and select Unmark as Bill option. 

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