Account for a Part Supply of Items in Your Purchase Order

Account for a Part Supply of Items in Your Purchase Order

  • In case the supplier has not supplied all the items in your purchase order then you can add a bill for part of the order.  
  • It all depends on the user’s role you have that determines whether you can view or edit purchase orders. 

Add a Bill for Part of the Order 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases).  
  1. Scroll down to the Purchase Order section.  
  1. Select the Accepted status tab. 
  1. Find and open the purchase order you want to add a bill for part of the order.  
  1. Click on the Purchase Order Options and select Copy to Bill option. 
  1. Click Ok
  1. Update the information into the bill fields and change the details to match the bill received.Click on the Remove Icon Image (x) to remove the items supplier did not supply. 
  1. Depending on the user role, save the bill as Draft or Approve the bill. 

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