Author - admin

Mark a Quote as Accepted or Declined

You can record it when your customer accepts or declines a quote. For this the quote status must be Sent.  Mark your Quote as Accepted  In the Account menu, select Sales.  Scroll down to the Quote section.  Select the Sent status tab.  Find and open the quote you want to mark as accepted.  Click on the Quote Options drop-down button and select Mark as Accepted option.  Click Ok.  Mark your Quote...


Refund a Customer Overpayment

In the Account menu, select Sales.  Select the Awaiting Payment tab from the Filter Tabs.  Find and open the Overpayment for which you want to refund. Using the Search option you can easily search the overpayment.  Scroll down to reach out to Make a Cash Refund section.   Enter the required information to the payment fields.  Click Add Refund. 


Learn about PDF Customer Invoices

The information which you see on a PDF invoice picked from your invoice entries, organisation settings, financial settings, contact details and the branding theme being used.  You can update the details on the above pages to change the values on the PDF.   Title:  PDF title gets picked from the title setup in branding theme....


Create A Batch Deposit

You can create a Batch Deposit when you deposit cash or cheques in your bank account for multiple invoices. It is also helpful when a customer makes a single payment against multiple invoices.  About Batch Deposits  If multiple invoices are paid in a single payment transaction then it is recorded as a...


Record a Payment on a Customer Invoice

In the Account menu, select Sales (Accounts >> Sales).  Select the Awaiting Payment tab from the Filter Tabs.  Find and open the invoice on which you want to record a payment. Using the Search option you can easily search the Invoice.  Get-down to Receive a payment section.  Enter the required information into the payment fields.  Click on the Add Payment button to finish recording payment.  Payment Fields  ...