Add, Edit or Delete a Branding Theme

Add, Edit or Delete a Branding Theme

You can add a brand new or customize the branding theme for all PDFs. These pdf can be of invoices, quotes, customer credit notes, customer statements, and purchase orders. We can also perform edit or delete action for these branding theme. 

Add or Edit a Standard Branding Theme  

If you want to customize the look of your PDF invoices, quotes, customer credit notes, customer statements, and purchase orders then you can add a standard branding theme.  

There is no limit set for adding the themes, you can add as many as themes you need in different situations like for different payment terms or varying logos.  

Add a Standard Theme 

  1. In the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Invoice Setting option, under Feature Section. 
  1. Click New Branding Theme drop-down button, select Standard
  1. Give a suitable name to identify the theme. 
  1. Adjust the other setting options as per your need like page margins, padding, font, etc.  
  1. Click Save. 

Copy a Standard Theme 

  1. In the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Invoice Setting option, under Feature Section. 
  1. Find the theme you want to copy. 
  1. Click the Option drop-down button, select Copy. 
  1. Give a new name to your theme. 
  1. Click Save

Edit a Standard Theme 

  1. In the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Invoice Setting option, under Feature Section. 
  1. Find the theme you want to edit. 
  1. Click the Option drop-down button, select Edit. 
  1. Edit the required changes. 
  1. Click Save

Rename a Branding Theme 

We may require to change the name of the theme when we have multiple themes. The name we give to the theme helps in differentiating each theme when applying it to a transaction. 

  1. In the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Invoice Setting option, under Feature Section. 
  1. Find the theme you want to Rename
  1. Click the Option drop-down button, select Edit. 
  1. Update the Name field with a suitable name. 
  1. Name can be a combination of the letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces up to 50 characters long. 
  1. Click Save. 

Delete a Branding Theme 

  1. In the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Invoice Setting option, under Feature Section. 
  1. Find the theme you want to Delete
  1. Click the Option drop-down button, select Delete. 

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