Change your Organisation’s Contact Details on PDF Documents

Change your Organisation’s Contact Details on PDF Documents

  1. If you want to change your organization’s address details then you can customize it. Your organization’s address details are displayed on invoices, quotes, customer credit notes, customer statements, and purchase orders. 
  1. By default, the address that is used on your documents is the postal address in Organisation details. But If your contact address is different then you can change the address details.  
  1. In the pdf document, the organization’s name is taken from the Legal /Trading Name field in organization details. You must use your legal or trading name when you send out any legal tax invoice.   
  1. You must have the role of the Adviser or Standard user to modify your branding theme.   

Follow the Steps to change Organisation’s Contact Details  

  1. Click on the Setting menu, select Account Setting
  1. Click on the Organisation Settings option, under Organisation Section. 
  1. Modify Contact Details. 
  1. Click Update.  

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