About User Roles in Clickentry

About User Roles in Clickentry

Learn which areas of Clickentry you can access in your organisation with your assigned user role. 

What you should Know 

The only user who is having the Manage Users permission, can invite new or update existing users. 

Once the Clickentry Subscriber set up his organization, he can invite other users to access the organisation. He can invite the business owner, an accountant or bookkeeper, the office administrator, or the data entry person for his business. 

You need to assign a user role to the user you are inviting. That user role in Clickentry determines the level of access a user has in a Clickentry organisation. 

  • You can give them full access to all or most of the features. 
  • You can provide them with access to only enter customer invoices or supplier bills, or both. 
  • You can give them access to only view existing transactions. 
  • You can grant them full or restricted access to Clickentry Expenses, Projects or Payroll. 

Don’t Share Login Details 

Each invited user should have their own separate login details and should not share it with other users. If they do, it won’t be easy to track which transactions were entered by which user or any other changes they may have made. This way the login details can be at risk of falling into the wrong hands and may leave your audit trail unreliable. 

To make your login more secure, you can also set up two-step authentication.  

Invite New Users or Edit a User’s Role 

The Organisation’s subscriber or user who is having the Manage Users permission, can invite new users or update existing ones into an organisation. You can invite any number of users into an organisation and there are no charges for this. 

When you have access to multiple organisations, the invitation will be from the organization you are logged into. 

If a user’s responsibilities get changed, either you can change their user role or delete them from your organisation. If you want to delete a Clickentry Subscriber from an organisation then you have to first change the subscriber to another active user

Types of User Roles 

With each different user role, you can access a different level across the different areas of Clickentry.  


  • Limited: With a limited user role, you can view, add and change your own time entries. They will have access to view projects and tasks created by others. 
  • Standard: With the Standard user role, you get similar access to the projects admin but you won’t be able to view or modify staff cost rates or see cost-related data in reports.  
  • Admin: With an Admin user role, you get full access to projects, including reports, staff cost rates. You can also view financial information. 


  • Draft Only: A user with the Draft Only user role can enter, edit and submit their own expenses.  
  • Approve & Pay: A user with the Approve & Pay user role has the ability to enter, edit, approve or decline expenses. Besides this, he can also see other employee’s expenses, pay them out and run reports. 
  • Admin: A user with the Admin user role has access to approve the expenses and the ability to adjust settings within expenses. 


  • Employee: A user with the Employee user role has access to My Payroll to view payslips, submit leave and enter timesheets. 
  • Payroll Admin: A user with the Payroll Admin user role can create and post pay runs. He can also add employees, and run payroll reports.  

Business and Accounting 

  • Invoice Only: A user with the invoice only user role can only enter invoices, quotes, bills, purchase orders, and credit notes. Further, this user role has variations such as invoice only – only create drafts, or invoice only – Sales. 
  • Standard: A user with the standard user role has almost full access to Clickentry. This user is also given optional access to cash coding and reports.  
  • Advisor: A user with the advisor user role has full access to all areas of Clickentry. But in case they are not the subscriber, then they can’t change the pricing plan or payment details. 
  • Read Only: A user with the read only user role can view most areas of Clickentry. But he can’t create or edit transactions, or run new reports. 

Extra Permissions 

In Clickentry, you can also give extra permissions to an adviser or standard user. These extra permission we can add to invite new users or edit user permissions, add on the manage users permission. 

  • Payroll Admin: This additional user permission is given to the users who need to post pay runs, manage employees and run payroll reports. 
  • Cash Coding: This additional user permission is given to the user who needs the ability to reconcile statement lines in bulk for cash transactions. 
  • Bank Account Admin: This additional user permission is given to the user who needs to edit bank account numbers for contacts and employees. 
  • Reports: This additional user permission is given to the user who needs to run most reports and customise, print or export them.  
  • Manage Users: This additional user permission is given to the user who needs to invite new users, change user roles for existing users or delete users from an organisation. 

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