Contact Fields

Contact Fields

Contact Fields 

Here we provide you the detailed information about contact fields when you’re adding or editing a contact in Clickentry.  

Basic Details 

Field Description 
Contact Enter the name for the contact: The name you are entering must be unique to make sure that your reports, invoices, bills, and other items are correct. If you change a contact name, it will not affect bills, invoices, and transactions that use the previous name. If you have changed a contact name, it won’t automatically update a repeating template. After saving the changes, you have to edit the contact name on any repeating templates.  
First Name This field is mandatory. Enter the first name for the contact. 
Last Name This field is mandatory. Enter the last name for the contact. 
Email This field is mandatory. Enter the email address for the contact. This will be shown on the contact’s invoices, credit notes, statements, remittance advices, receipts, quotes, and purchase orders: If you want to add, edit or delete an email address that’s been used on a repeating invoice set to Approve for Sending then you will be prompted to update the invoice template. 
Website (Optional) For reference, you can enter a website address.  
Skype (Optional) Here you can add your contact’s Skype user name or phone number.  
Add another person You can add any number of people to each contact.  
Postal Address Enter the details in the blank fields: postal attention, postal street address, postal city, postal state, postal country, and postal zip code.  
Clickentry shows the postal address on all transactions including paid items (invoices, credit notes, statements, quotes, and purchase orders).  If you add or edit an address from an invoice or transaction then Clickentry will automatically update the contact’s postal address.  If you have entered the physical address and want to use the same address as your postal address then click Copy Physical Address
Physical Address If you want to use the same address as your physical address then click Copy Postal Address otherwise enter the details in the blank fields under the physical address tab: physical attention, physical street address, physical city, physical state, physical country, and physical zip code.     
Phone, Fax, Mobile, Direct dial Enter the contact’s phone number in the relevant field. 

Contact Details 

Field Description 
Postal Address Enter the details in the blank fields: postal attention, postal street address, postal city, postal state, postal country, and postal zip code.  
Clickentry shows the postal address on all transactions including paid items (invoices, credit notes, statements, quotes, and purchase orders).  If you add or edit an address from an invoice or transaction then Clickentry will automatically update the contact’s postal address.  If you have entered the physical address and want to use the same address as your postal address then click Copy Physical Address
Physical Address If you want to use the same address as your physical address then click Copy Postal Address otherwise enter the details in the blank fields under the physical address tab: physical attention, physical street address, physical city, physical state, physical country, and physical zip code.     
Phone, Fax, Mobile, Direct dial Enter the contact’s phone number in the relevant field. 


Field Description 
For Sales Select the default accounts for sales (invoices, credit notes, quotes, receive money) If you want to change the default sales accounts in an individual transaction then you can override it. If you are using the Create tab to create a receive money transaction when reconciling then Clickentry doesn’t enter the default account for you.  If you select an inventory item for the transaction then Clickentry will not apply the contact’s default account. The account will be applied from the inventory item Instead. 
For Purchases Select the default account for purchases (purchase orders, bills, credit notes, spend money).  If you want to change the default purchases accounts in an individual transaction then you can override it. If you are using the Create tab to create a spend money transaction when reconciling, Clickentry doesn’t enter the default account for you.  If you select an inventory item for the transaction then Clickentry will not apply the contact’s default account. The account will be applied from the inventory item Instead. 
Tax Select the contact’s Tax ID number. It will be shown on the PDF version of invoices, credit notes, and statements you send them.  Select the default tax rates for the contact. For inventory items in quotes or purchase orders, Clickentry applies the default tax rate only if there is no tax rate set for them.  If you want to apply other tax rates then you can select other tax rates when creating transactions. Sales Discount: You can add a discount for sales to contact. Clickentry applies the discount when you add a line item in an invoice or quote. If you need to change the discount then you can override it when creating transactions. Currency: You can select a default currency for your transactions with this contact. But in case you want to change it for particular transactions then you can override it when creating the transaction. 
Batch Payments When you are making batch payments to a supplier then add their bank account details. It will be shown on the bills to pay when creating batches. The only user having the bank account admin permission can view and update the contact’s bank account details. 
Invoice Settings If you’ve set up multiple branding themes then you can select a default theme for the contact. If you want to change it for a particular transaction then you can override it when creating new transactions. Clickentry also allows you to set the default due date for bills and invoices. If you want to change it on a particular transaction then you can override the default due date when you are creating the transaction. 
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