Delete or Void a Customer’s Credit Note

Delete or Void a Customer’s Credit Note

What you need to know

  1. We can only delete a credit note when it has either the draft status or awaiting approval status. You can void an awaiting payment or paid credit note.  
  1. You can still see the credit notes that have voided or deleted because they are listed in some of your reports.  
  1. In case you have already sent the credit note to your customer and want to delete or void it then please don’t delete or void a credit note before speaking to your accountant. 
  1. You must have the role of either the adviser, standard, invoice only + approve and pay, or invoice only + sales user to delete or void credit notes. 

Delete a Draft or Awaiting Approval Credit Note

Clickentry allows you to reuse the credit note number but it must be from a deleted customer credit note. 

  1. In the Account menu, select Sales (Accounts >> Sales)
  1. Select either AllDraft, or Awaiting Approval status tab. 
  1. Find and open the credit note you want to delete. Using search option you can search the credit note easily  
  1. Click on the Credit Note Options drop-down button, then select the Delete option. 
  1. Click Yes to confirm

You can also delete a credit note by selecting the credit note checkbox on the Draft or Awaiting Approval tab, and clicking Delete

Void an Awaiting Payment or Paid Credit Note 

  1. In the Account menu, select Sales (Accounts >> Sales)
  1. Select either AllAwaiting Payment, Partial Paid, or Paid status tab. 
  1. Find and open the credit note you want to Void. Using the search option you can search the credit note easily. 
    In case you want to reuse the credit note number for a new credit note then you will need to change its number before voiding.  
  1. Need to remove any refund or any payment: 
    • Remove a refund( Links). 
    • Remove a payment( Links). 
  1. Click on the Credit Note Options drop-down button, then select the Delete option. 
  1. Click Yes to confirm. 

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