Find and View Batch Payments

Find and View Batch Payments

  1. You can find and view your batch payments in Clickentry. 
  1. You can also view the individual invoices in a batch payment. 
  1. You can search in both the bank account and another account where you’ve enabled payments. 

Find Your Batch Payment on the Bank Accounts Screen 

  1. In the Accounting menu, select Bank accounts
  1. Find the bank account you made the batch from. 
  1. Click the bank account name. 
  1. Your batch payment shows as either: 
    • Payment: multiple items (for several items in the batch) 
    • Payment: Name/Organisation (if just one payment in the batch). 

Find Your Batch Payment From a Non-bank Account 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases. 
  1. Select the Partial Paid or Paid status tab. 
  1. Find and open any of the bill from the batch payment. 
  1. Click on the payment link.  

View Individual Invoices Paid Through a Batch 

  1. In the Business menu, select Purchases overview
  1. Next to Bills, click Paid
  1. To sort your payments by date, click the Date column. 

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