Delete Batch Payments

Delete Batch Payments

  1. You can delete both the part and the full batch payment from your account transactions.  
  1. You can delete a batch payment depending on your user role.  

Deleting a Batch Payment 

  1. You can delete a batch after exporting the batch file to the bank. This might be done because the whole batch gets failed.You can delete a batch If you have not made payment to it before. 
  1. There might be a reason to do this that you don’t want to pay the bills in the batch at this time. 
  1. There might be another reason for removing a bill from a batch that if you’ve accidentally included it. 

Delete a Full Batch Payment 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases. 
  1. Select the Partial Paid or Paid status tab. 
  1. Find and open any of the bill from the batch payment. 
  1. Click on the payment link.  
  1. Click on the Options drop-down button and select the Remove & Redo option. 
  1. Click Ok to confirm. 

It will move the batched bills back to the Awaiting Payment or Partial Paid tab in Purchases. 

Remove a Bill from the Batch Before Making the Payment 

You can remove a bill if you’ve accidentally included it in your batch payment. 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases. 
  1. Select the Partial Paid or Paid status tab. 
  1. Find and open any of the bill from the batch payment. 
  1. Click on the payment link.  
  1. Click on the Options drop-down button and select the Edit option. 
  1. On the right side of the bill, click on the Remove Payment icon to delete the bill you have accidentally included in the batch. 
  1. Click Approve

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