Send a Receipt to A Customer

Send a Receipt to A Customer

Sending an email to the customer including the PDF receipt for the payment customer made on invoice. The receipt will always have a single format as we haven’t provided the feature to customize the way receipt will look to the customer

View a Receipt 

  1. Find the invoice you want to send Receipt for. 
  1. You can see All, Partial paid or Paid Tab to find invoice easily 
  1. From the payment links click on the selected payment link. 
  1. From the options dropdown on the right side you can select the View Receipt
  1. It will download the Receipt PDF for you. 
  1. You can open the downloaded PDF and check if everything is correct as required. 

Email a receipt 

  1. Find the invoice you want to send Receipt for. 
  1. You can see All, partial paid or Paid Tab to find invoice easily 
  1. From the payment links click on the selected payment link. 
  1. From the options dropdown on the right side you can select the Send Receipt . 
  1. Clicking on Send Receipt will open a Pop-up send window. 
  1. Enter/Edit the information in the opened window. 
  1. Check the Send me a copy if you also want to receive a receipt.  
  1. Click on the send and you are done. 

Email Popup Window Fields explained: 

  1. In the To field, add the email address of the recipient of the email. If you want to send the invoice to multiple recipients, add email addresses separated with a comma (,) or a semicolon (;) 
  1. From field uses the email address of the logged in user, which you cannot change. 
  1. The Subject field contains the predefined text, set up by the Clickentry Team. You can edit the subject as per your requirement. 
  1. The Message field contains the predefined text with some brief information of the payment made. You can also edit this as per your need. 
  1. If you want to send a copy to yourself then Tick the Send me a copy.  

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