Import New Contacts into Clickentry

Import New Contacts into Clickentry

You can import multiple contacts to Clickentry. You have to first download the CSV template file from Clickentry, then format and save the data.  

Once you have imported the contacts into Clickentry, you can’t delete them but You can’t delete imported contacts but you can archive them.  

Download CSV Template File from Clickentry 

  1. In the Contact menu, select Contacts Summary
  1. Click on the Import button. 
  1. Click on the Download template file link. 

Prepare and Save Data in the File 

First, open the downloaded file from Clickentry on your computer then enter the required details of your contacts’ details. ContactName is the only mandatory column. 

(Optional) Format other information 

Update the file if you are introducing any other information.  

Column Description Format or Entry Details 
PhoneNumber Enter the phone number of the contact. You must use spaces to separate country code, area code, and the number. 
AccountsReceivableTaxCodeName This will be the default tax rate for invoices. You need to enter the exact tax rate name that is in Clickentry.  
AccountsPayableTaxCodeName This will be the default tax rate for bills. You need to enter the exact tax rate name that is in Clickentry. 
Discount This will be the default sales discount % You can enter a number up to 2 decimal places. 
SalesAccount This will be the default account for sales transactions You can only enter the code from your chart of accounts.   
PurchasesAccount This will be the  default account for purchase transactions You can only enter the code from your chart of accounts.   
BrandingTheme This will be the  default invoice branding for invoices and other documents you send You can only enter the name of an invoice branding theme that exists in Clickentry.   
Person[x]FirstName, Person[x]LastName, Person[x]Email Person[x]IncludeInEmail Additional people to contact Here you can enter the details for each additional person you want to include in your Clickentry’s contact record. If you want to include them in emails then enter Yes in IncludeInEmail column. You can only add additional people if the email address of the primary person has been added.  

Import Your File into Clickentry

  1. In the Contact menu, select Contacts Summary
  1. Click on the Import button. 
  1. Select the relevant group or select the New Group option to create a new contact group. 
  1. Click on the Choose File and select the updated file. 
  1. Click on the Save button. 
  1. After reviewing the information for the file you are importing, click on the Complete Import button. 

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