Edit or Delete a Bank Rule

Edit or Delete a Bank Rule

  • You can edit a bank rule you’ve previously set up in Clickentry, or delete the rule completely. 
  • If you are editing or deleting a bank rule then it doesn’t affect any of the transactions you have reconciled with the rule in the past. 

Edit a Rule While Reconciling 

  1. Go to the Reconcile tab of your bank account and then find the transaction you can reconcile with the rule you want to edit 
  1. On the Create tab of the transaction, click on the name of the rule under Apply Rule. 
  1. Make the desired changes to the rule. 
  1. Click Save

Edit a Rule from the Bank Rules Screen 

  1. In the Accounts menu, select Bank accounts
  1. Click on the Bank Rule button. 
  1. Select the Spend Money Rules or Receive Money Rule tab. 
  1. Find the rule you want to edit. 
  1. Click the Edit button corresponding to the bank rule you want to edit. 
  1. Make the desired changes to the rule. 
  1. Click Save

Delete a Bank Rule 

You can’t restore a bank rule once it is deleted. 

  1. In the Accounts menu, select Bank accounts
  1. Click on the Bank Rule button. 
  1. Select the Spend Money Rules or Receive Money Rule tab. 
  1. Find the rule you want to delete. 
  1. Click on the Delete button next to the bank rule you want to edit. 
  1. Click Ok to confirm the deletion. 

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