Giving People Access to Clickentry

Delete A User from Your Organization

If you want to remove a user from an organisation, you must have the Manage users' permission. You can even delete yourself from organisations you're invited to.  Effects of Deleting A User  As you delete a user from an organisation, it removes their access to the organisation but at the same time it can also affect other...


Find and Change Assigned User Roles

You can check your existing users and their user roles permissions. You can change the user role or permission for yourself or another person only if you have the Manage Users permission.  Find an Assigned User Role  You can check what your user role is for an organisation and any additional permissions you may...


View an Organisation’s Invited Users

You can see the details of an organisation's invited users such as their user role, permissions, and status. You can also check the login activity for an organisation to see when users last logged in.  View Invited Users  You can only see the list of the invited user if you have the standard or advisor user role.  In...