Mark or Unmark Quotes as Invoiced

Mark or Unmark Quotes as Invoiced

You can change a quote’s status back to Accepted with “Unmark it as Invoiced” option. 

Mark Quotes as Invoiced 

  1. In the Account menu, select Sales
  1. Scroll down to the Quote section. 
  1. Select the Accepted status tab. 
  1. Find and open the quote for which you want to create an invoice. 
  1. Click on the Quote Options drop-down button and select Copy to Invoice option. 
  1. Clicking on Ok will take you to the copied Invoice. 
  1. Set the Due Date
  1. Click on the Approve button, it will create a new invoice and status will be fully invoiced. 

Unmark Quote as Invoiced 

  1. In the Account menu, select Sales
  1. Scroll down to the Quote section. 
  1. Either select the All or Invoiced status tab. 
  1. Find and open the quote which you want to Unmark as Invoiced
  1. Click on the Quote Options drop-down button and select Unmark as Invoiced option. 
  1. The quote status is Accepted in status panel. 

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