Delete Repeating Bill Templates

Delete Repeating Bill Templates

You can delete repeating bill templates from within the templates or delete them in bulk. 

Delete a Single Repeating Transaction 

When you have the Invoice Only + Draft user role then you will be able to delete the only template you have created. 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases)
  1. Select the Repeating status tab. 
  1. Find and open the template you want to delete. If you know the contacts name or amount then using the search option you can find it easily. 
  1. Click on the Delete button, then click Yes to confirm. 

Delete Multiple Repeating Transactions 

  1. In the Account menu, select Purchases(Accounts >> Purchases)
  1. Select the Repeating status tab. 
  1. Select the checkboxes next to the template you want to delete. 
  1. Click on the Delete button, then click Yes to confirm. 

Once you delete the template then no transaction will be scheduled onward and any bill created in the past does not get affected. 

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