Create Reusable Text for Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders or other Transactions

Clickentry helps you to save snippets of text that you may want to see in the description field of your invoices, purchase orders, quotes or other transactions.  You might add an inventory item for just description-only purposes. You can explain the conditions or provide further information about your products or services. This...


Import Inventory Items into Clickentry

Using our CSV import template file you can easily Import your inventory item details in Clickentry. To import inventory, you must have the user role of either Adviser or Standard user.  Download the Inventory Items Template File  In the Account menu, select Inventory.  Click Import.  To download the template file click on the Download template file link.   Open the downloaded Template...


Add an Inventory Item

Here we explain how you can add new items to your inventory list. You can also add a description, price and default accounts for the item.   Here you can decide whether you want to track your inventory items or not. If you select the tracking option then you can keep...


Track Your Inventory

You can track your items in Clickentry to records the quantity and value of goods you have with you. When an item is sold then related expenses are matched up with revenue.  About Tracked Inventory  In Clickentry, when you use the track inventory then it starts tracking the quantity of inventory items you have...


Options for Managing Inventory in ClickEntry

Clickentry enables you to save the details of things you buy and sell at regular intervals as inventory items.   There are two types of inventory you can create with Clickentry:  Trackable  Non-Trackable  Using Inventory Items  Clickentry allows you to save snippets of a transaction detail as inventory items to use it again.  While creating a new inventory item,...