Add a Discount to Transactions and Contacts
Add a discount to a sales invoice, quote or purchase order
- In the Account menu, select Sales (Accounts >> Sales).
- Open an existing Invoice you want to add a discount or create a New Invoice.
- Add Discount to a New Invoice.
- Click on the rightmost dropdown Button +New Invoice and then select New Invoice option.
- Enter the required details in the relevant fields.
- Under the Disc % field, enter the discount.
- Click Save.
- Add Discount to an Existing Invoice.
- Open an existing invoice you want to add a discount.
- Click on the Invoice Option drop-down button and select the Edit option.
- Update the required details in the relevant fields.
- Under the Disc % field, enter the discount.
- Click Save.
Add A Discount to A Contact
Add Discount to a New Contact
- In the Contact menu, click Add Contact.
- Enter the required details in the relevant fields.
- Under Setting Tab, enter the discount in the Sales Discount field.
- Click Save.
Add Discount to an Existing Contact
- In the Contact menu, click Contacts Summary.
- Open the account you want to add the discount.
- Click the Edit Button.
- Update the required details in the relevant fields.
- Under Setting Tab, enter the discount in the Sales Discount field.
- Click Save.
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