Conversion Balances & Dates

Setting Your Opening Balance Date

The opening balance date is the date of your organisation's opening account balances. If applicable, we recommend using a month a sales tax period starts from.  About your Opening Balance Date  The opening balance date is the date of your opening account balances. Usually, It's the date you start using Clickentry. The only transactions you...


Enter Conversion Balances

 You can record opening balances for your accounts at any time, but the balances of your reporting and the bank won't be accurate until you have entered them. Depending on your requirements, you can enter your balances one by one or import them in bulk. If you want to change opening balances,...


Enter Unpaid Invoices and Bills for your Opening Balances

You should enter only the unpaid customer invoices and supplier bills at your opening date.  The total due for invoices and bills must equal the opening balances for accounts receivable and accounts payable.  Enter only the unpaid balance for the invoice, bill or credit note that has been partially paid.  About Entering Unpaid...